2025-01-09 07:24:47 Astrological Nifty Prediction : Nifty may show volatility | Recovery from lower | Planning of 23800

2025-01-09 07:24:47 Astrological Nifty Prediction : Nifty may show volatility | Recovery from lower | Planning of 23800


Daily Forecast – Share Market – January 9th, 2025
Nifty may show volatility | Recovery from lower | Planning of 23800
Saturn with Venus leads the day, well supported by Sun, Moon, Rahu-Ketu, Jupiter (Rx). Volatility is also possible. But banks may try to protect and chances of opportunities are possible.
Keep a watch on INR against USD, it may slip towards 86 against USD. Indicating values of equities against USD will fall, means globally, share values will be economical in comparison to previous time. Within a year INR might have lost (approx.) Rs. 1.50 against USD. Better to say, INR is losing ground. Crude oil Prices are maintained around 74-77 USD, in INR may fall differently. Inflation is also affected.
Budget is ahead, despite volatility, Nifty may try to regain from lower levels. So, it will be better for smart traders to use the gap and earn the gains, may be small gains, but be justified to your money also.
Nifty may show sudden movements, as it has recovered on the previous working day. From the lower levels, Nifty had come to closer values of Opening values. That means any moment, Nifty may try for 23800.
Use the day. Many segments may remain active. So, midcaps and small caps may also show movements.
Indian Currency
Indian Rupee may trade in between 85.40 to 86.00 per USD.

** Before investing or trading please check technical aspects also, it’s a reading based on planetary movements.

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