2024-06-11 07:13:35 Nifty Prediction : Nifty may look for 23300 | Profit bookings Possible

2024-06-11 07:13:35 Nifty Prediction : Nifty may look for 23300 | Profit bookings Possible


Daily Forecast – Share Market – June 11th, 2024
Nifty may look for 23300 | Profit bookings Possible
Watch Banks in coming days – Profit bookings possible
Moon, Mars, with Mercury (combust heading for total combustion) are leading the day, well supported by Sun, Jupiter, and Ketu. Here indications are clear that pressure on banks and share market may remain, because lord of banks and share market is combust and on by the weekend it will be totally combust. That means banks and share market will be influenced directly. After this week, lord of banks will be moving in its own house and may try to hold the levels of banks, but combustion for 2-3 days till 18-06-2024 may give strong impact on banking sector. I shall like to be watchful and if required to book profits and look for the opportunities in next week (if required).
Importantly, Finance Minister is same, that means basic style of finance policies may remain same or continued.
Time to look for opportunities in infrastructure segments, because of return of same Minister. Possibly cement and reality related segments may be trying for settling for the direction. It will be better to wait for short period and then move.
Fertilizer, agriculture related segments, textiles – better to watch for the minister’s action (political) because – lord of lagna of India’s horoscope is weak, although is coming out of shadow, automobile and related segments, logistics, aviation – wait, telecom some sudden changes possible, cotton, and related segments may show some movements – this may include textiles, communication instruments etc. may be showing movements.
Nifty may look for 23300 and again profit bookings on upper levels possible. Crude oil is again in the range of 80-83 USD.
Indian Currency
Indian Rupee may trade in between 82.70 to 83.40 per USD.

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** Before investing or trading, check the technical aspects as well, which is a reading based on planetary movements



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