Daily Forecast – Share Market – November 14th, 2024
Emotions weak | Nifty may show sell on rise | Long weekend
Will this be a WEAK END or END of WEAK ‘ness’
Saturn retrograde with Ketu leads the day, well supported by Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter (Rx) and Mercury. The combination of Venus and Jupiter may give profits to someone and JHATAKA to Taurus sign/Lagna, so be watchful. India’s horoscope has Taurus lagna, so in general can be deceptive during the period.
That means, India’s horoscope has Taurus lagna and market is losing levels since this connection has started. Anyways, it will be better to watch and trade wisely.
I know some laziness (few segments – related to Saturn) and few segments may show sudden rise. Balancing of such may give movements to Nifty.
I agree that after a dip on previous trading session, market may show some recovery from lower (practically), but astrologically emotions are weak and still looking for some way to move out the trade or trapped areas.
Still, proper dip has not come. Let us wait for the trade till tomorrow closing. Mondy’s trade may give a touch of direction.
Nifty may again try to look for 100 points of Nifty. But be prepared for negative intention of trade. It seems that buyers are missing from the market.
USD is gaining strength day by day. I believe not a decent period for local trades. Impact of inflation, unemployment (had effected buying capacity), GDP may be increasing but reflection on mass public is not negative. That’s why market has to suffer (this is according to the planetary position).
Long weekend ahead. Tomorrow market will remain close. So, before going for next trade on Monday, be careful. Reason is now, market will open after direct transit of Saturn.
Crude oil is still around 7072 USD.
Indian Rupee may trade in between 84.00 to 84.60 per USD.
** Before investing or trading please check technical aspects also, it’s a reading based on planetary movements.
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